Monday, May 06, 2002

[DO NOT read this if you've not seen it; I give away the ending.]
You know, I can't think of anything cynical to say. I liked this movie a whole lot. I wish it had been nominated for Best Picture - and yes, I'm saying this fully aware of the fact that Moulin Rouge and LotR were nominated for it. I think it deserves to go up against them.

If it weren't for a sense of social responsibility, I'd have named this movie A Big Fuck You. Especially with the [better] extended ending on the DVD.
Because basically the movie runs like this: Denzel Washington tells Ethan Hawk, "Fuck you!" And then Ethan tells Denzel, "No, fuck you!" (In the extended ending, Hawke tells Denzel, Tom Berenger, Harry Yulin, and Raymond J Barry, "No, fuck all y'all!" and that's just great.)

And even though you'll hear me say I'm a sucker for a good unhappy ending, what I love more is an end where the one good guy tells all the bad guys, hey, fuck all y'all.